Pancha Tanmantra


Somethings will always remain a secret unless we,

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

Thank you for your interest. Please use the contact form below to register your interest and for all enquiries.

 EWTC 2013
The Team from Enlightened Warrior Training Camp
Based in Melbourne, Australia, having collaborated between 2020 and 2010 with a syndicate of masters from various other Martial Arts styles facilitated and contributed to a ground breaking event known as the Enlightened Warrior Training Camp working with almost 1000 participants annually in Spain & Malaysia .

This world class event has transformed over 50,000 participants lives since it inception and is world famous for transforming people from the inside out.

We will commence an intensive program online in late 2020.

Dr John Demartini & Trained Method & Values Facilitator,
Ki Arya Hanuman Budhi Yantra Pandji Pandita
The 3 Month Intensive Program is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of the philosophy, cosmology and art form where you will ultimately learn the basic movements and form know as Mandala which incorporates all the five elements. In Buddhist traditions, a Mandala is a symbol of a specific deity and is used as an offering to the elements, directions, deities, nature and ancestors. This particular form is designed as a daily ritual to initiate, activate and harmoniously acknowledge our own divine nature and connect deeply with our body, speech and mind.

Be on the look out for an up and coming video demonstrating some of the dynamic and graceful movements that make up this unique and ancient tantric art form. As an active meditation it incorporates both slow and fast movements and is suitable to most levels of fitness and capacities. Although each movement has a martial application it is taught as an active meditation as it is founded with Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine and Buddhist principles. It is closely related to yoga, dance and breath work and it is conducive to artists, healers, teachers and leaders without spiritual dogma. It can also be beneficial to those that find it hard to practice sitting meditation. Ultimately this art form deeply connects us with our essential self, gaining emotional intelligence and connects us with our ancestors.

This authentic tantric art form will help you to embody your essential self by awaken your senses, articulate suppressed emotions, feel more essential residing in your physicality. Significantly enhancing your relationships, health and state of mind.

Enter your details below so that we can send you further information once we confirm dates. In the meantime, please like our Facebook Page using the top button and share this website with any friends that you feel would find this beneficial. Feel free to tell us about yourself, where you reside specifically and provide us with a brief explanation as to what has drawn you to this art form. Please let us know who referred you if that is the case.

We look forward to connecting with you soon.

Enlightened Warrior Training Camp Participants in Spain 2016